China's cooperation with Peru can serve as a model for Latin America: Peruvian president

2024-10-17 02:53:23来源:时尚点击:538
Editor's Note: 

During Peruvian President Dina Boluarte's five-day visit to China, she tried out China's new energy vehicles in Shenzhen and gave a thumbs up to the latest technology by Chinese enterprises. She also took a ride on China's high-speed railway and praised it, saying, "The Chinese high-speed train is really fast! We arrived [at our destination] so quickly." She extended an invitation to Chinese people, saying Peru has many world-renowned historical and cultural heritage sites, and  we welcome more Chinese tourists to visit.

In an exclusive interview with the Global Times reporters Zhao Yusha and Bai Yunyi (GT), Boluarte said China's cooperation with Peru can serve as a model for Latin America. She emphasized Peru's keen interest in exploring new ways of cooperation with China within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Boluarte also expressed her strong interest in inviting Chinese electric vehicle companies such as BYD to establish factories in Peru.

Peruvian President Dina Boluarte attends the exhibition titled

Peruvian President Dina Boluarte attends the exhibition titled "The Son of the Sun - The Inca and Their Tawantinsuyu: The Land of Four Quarters" in Shenzhen on June 25, 2024.

GT: What are the most important objectives of your visit to China? What aspects of China have left the deepest impression on you during this visit?

I want to express my sincere gratitude to President Xi Jinping and the Chinese people for their warm welcome. This is my first visit to this impressive country. We are countries with ancient cultures and as such, cradles of global civilization.

It is my intention, during this visit, to reaffirm the importance of our comprehensive strategic partnership, strengthen the connection between our peoples, promote our economic and trade relations, and explore new forms of cooperation.

GT: What role does China play in your government''s foreign policy? What are the sectors in which you and your government are seeking to deepen cooperation with China?

Both nations agree that the world must set aside their differences and cooperate to face together the great global challenges together, such as artificial intelligence, climate change, and regional conflicts. We think China is an important partner for cooperation.

GT: How do you evaluate the impact of the BRI on your country''s development? The Chancay port is a landmark project under the BRI in the Latin American region. How do you evaluate this project and what are your expectations for the cooperation under the BRI?

The BRI offers opportunities to help close the existing infrastructure gap in our country. Peru is interested in exploring new forms of cooperation under the BRI and realizinge win-win cooperation between the two countries.

A clear example of this could be the construction of the Chancay port, led by the Chinese company COSCO Shipping and the Peruvian company VOLCAN. Chancay port is having a significant economic impact with its construction, generating business opportunities, and we hope it will become a logistic and technological hub together with the Jorge Chávez International Airport, the port of Callao, and the industrial park of Ancón.

It is worth noting that once the Chancay port is operational, the transportation time from [South America to China] will be reduced from 45 days to 23 days, and it is expected that at least 1 million containers will be handled by the port in the first year of operation.

We hope more Chinese companies will enter our country via Chancay port.

GT: We have noticed that you visited Chinese technology companies such as Huawei and BYD in Shenzhen. What was your impression of these companies? Was there anything that particularly impressed you? What cooperation opportunities do you see between China and Peru in high-tech sectors such as telecommunications and renewable energies?

The innovative capacity of Chinese companies like BYD is admirable. This company, leading in electromobility, not only stands out for its high-end designs, but also for the affordable prices they offer to the international market. The productive capacity and high-level technology of the Chinese automotive industry put it at the forefront of this sector.

I also believe that the high-end technology that Huawei is implementing in tele-communications and artificial intelligence reveals the importance of having these technologies to improve productivity and competitiveness in our economies.

I would like to see that through Chancay port, more Chinese companies will enter our country, like BYD. The case of BYD is particularly interesting, as the Chinese company could benefit from the strategic location of the port and the proximity to the main lithium-producing countries in the world (Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina), achieving more competitive advantages in battery manufacturing. This would also benefit the local population, creating jobs and attracting other investments to complement and support the production of products that BYD needs.

GT: We are also interested in hearing your opinions on how China's cooperation with Peru and other Latin American countries can contribute to the development of countries in the Global South, especially considering that Peru will be hosting APEC this year.

Cooperation between China and Peru can serve as an example for other nations in Latin America, demonstrating the advantages of maintaining good relations with China and the positive impact of this collaboration.

A clear example of this was during the COVID-19 pandemic, when China donated over a million doses of vaccine to Peru. This gesture from the Chinese government allowed the country to avoid chaos due to a lack of vaccines and helped to keep the health and industrial sectors operational.

As the host of APEC 2024, Peru will promote consensus among participating economies, with priorities including trade and investment for inclusive and interconnected growth; innovation and digitalization to promote the transition to a formal and global economy; and sustainable growth for resilient development.

GT: The Peruvian avocado is very popular among the Chinese public. Many Chinese consumers want to know, will Peru increase its avocado exports to China? Is it possible that in the future we will be able to buy Peruvian avocados at a lower price?

Peruvians are very happy to know that you like our avocados and we would like all our Chinese friends to enjoy this Peruvian product that is highly valued in the international market and considered a superfood for its nutritional properties.

We hope that avocado exports to China will increase in the coming years. In this sense, from the agricultural sector, we are working hard for our producers to adopt new technologies that will allow them to expand their production in the face of the challenges and effects of climate change.

GT: Finally, we have a personal question for you. You are the first female president in the history of Peru and a role model for many women. What message do you have for Chinese women, especially those who aspire to pursue careers in politics or serve their country?

Do not be intimidated by adverse situations. Always prioritize the interests of your country, as the best thing you can do as a citizen is to work for your nation. Also, I want to remind you that nothing is impossible; it all depends on your determination to achieve your dreams. Never forget to always fight for them.

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