
2024-10-17 05:02:06来源:探索点击:883


Snow mountain spruce,间中 growing on a hillside, mixed with other trees. The snow of the winter is lined with its dark green needles. The dried fruit of the wild apricot is gone. It was their dark red bark, which was conspicuous. The branches of the elm grew dark in the sunlight and snow. Nobody pays attention to this ordinary tree. Besides, it is full of mountains and mountains, and many of them are elms.


I'm trying to look into the depths of the forest, looking forward to what can be found, or seen not see things, of course, if there is a wild exemption or other trace of beasts, is more suitable and mountains. Whether the hare visits the forest, I have no idea. Now, only no one has ever been to the depths of the dense forest, the dark and the cold light, let the life out of a part of the fantasy, and a kind of fear, is the yearning for nature and fear. The white snow set off the quiet woods. The snow and the forest became the master of the hill. I came in, but I felt a little strange, as if there were countless pairs of eyes staring at me in the depths of the forest.

我不知道牧神潘,是否来过这片山林。这长着羊角的农牧之神,它和它的羊群是否来过?山林一片寂静,没有任何声响。 连鸟雀也不知藏匿到何处去了。我的周围只有阳光照射雪地发出的声音,就连这声音也不存在吧。这声音,也许只是我的幻觉。牧神和它的仙女,也许在更为古老更为偏僻寂静的山林里嬉戏。高高的野草丛,在山林不起的角落:或是小路边,或是树木下,或是密林深处,或是向阳的山坡上,都可以看见散发着阳光色彩的金黄叶丛。虽然这片山林,野草丛生,非常适合牛羊啃食,却没有牛羊。没有山林仙女来过的痕迹,牧神潘也许终究因为孤独无聊,走向其他地方寻找他的游戏伙伴去了。

I don't know whether pan has come to this mountain forest. Is this the faun of the sheep horns, and has it come with its sheep? The forest was silent and silent. Even the birds don't know where to hide. There was only the sound of sunlight hitting the snow, and it didn't even exist. This voice, maybe it's just my illusion. The faun and its nymphs may play in the more ancient and mo癫痫病怎么治疗能治好re remote and silent mountain forest. Tall wild grass, in the corner of the forest can't afford to, or small roadside, or under the trees, or, deep in the woods or sunny slopes, can see the color of golden yellow leaves. By sending out the sunshine Although this mountain forest, wild grass, very suitable for cattle and sheep to eat, but no cattle. Without the trace of the woodland fairy, pan may have gone to other places to find his playmates because of his loneliness.


The afternoon sun glared down on the snow, making a brilliant, diamond-like glow. Every snow grain is a beautiful diamond. At this time, the winter sunshine becomes the media that produces dreams. It can let the white snow, send out a rainbow of light. A mountain blackbird finally broke the silent mountain forest and caught my eye. This is a 癫痫病要想看好要多少钱medium-sized bird. It was quiet in the woods of a remote mountain path. The roadside weeds are half tall, still golden. They nestled under the trees.