China urges US to take concrete actions to adhere to one

2024-10-17 05:38:04来源:热点点击:6
Illustration:Liu Rui/GT

Illustration:Liu Rui/GT

China has urged the US to stop fanning the flames of conflict and take concrete actions to adhere to the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-US joint communiques, turning their stated opposition to "Taiwan independence" into reality, a spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, said on Wednesday in response to the claims of US military commander hyping the idea of  "mainland to invade Taiwan by 2027." 

Admiral John Aquilino, head of the Indo-Pacific Command, said recently that he believes the Chinese mainland's military "will be prepared to invade Taiwan by 2027," according to media reports. This comes as the Biden administration recently approved $300 million in military financing for the island. 

Some individuals in the US have clear ulterior motives, continuously fabricating so-called "timelines" and hyping the mainland's "military threat," creating an atmosphere of war across the Taiwan Straits, Chen Binhua, the spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, told the press conference on Wednesday. 

This is merely an excuse for interfering in Taiwan question and a means for the US military-industrial complex to profit, he said. 

If the US government truly wishes to maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits, it should stop fanning the flames and take concrete actions to adhere to the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-US joint communiques, turning their stated opposition to "Taiwan independence" into reality, the spokesperson stressed. 

DPP authorities, for the sake of their own party's interests, have willingly become pawns in external forces' strategy to "use Taiwan to contain the mainland," continuously pushing for seeking independence and provoking conflict, Chen said.

They even go so far as to sacrifice the lives and well-being of the people on the island, eagerly aligning with the US to become "porcupines," build "fortresses," and turn Taiwan into a "powder keg" and "explosive mine." 

Such actions are definitely not for the benefit of the Taiwan compatriots and will only increasingly push the island toward a dangerous situation fraught with the risk of war, the spokesperson said. 
Resolving the Taiwan question and achieving the complete reunification of the motherland is the common aspiration of all Chinese people and a sacred mission, a just cause. When and how to resolve the Taiwan question is purely China's internal affair and tolerates no foreign interference, Chen said. 

The spokesperson also voiced the strong opposition to the US' latest financial support for the island. The US insisting on passing and signing bills containing negative content regarding the island, severely interfered in China's internal affairs and gravely violating the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-US joint communiques, Chen said.

We express strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to this, urging the US to truly act on its statement of not supporting "Taiwan independence" by taking concrete actions, stop arming Taiwan in any form, and cease sending the wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" separatist forces, the spokesperson noted. 

"The DPP authorities' attempts to seek one-party interests by relying on the US for independence and seeking independence through military means are doomed to fail," he said. 

Global Times