Somewhere over the rainbow

探索2024-10-17 09:38:281353
Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

A video showing a Chinese teacher interrupting her students' self-learning in a bid to lead them to enjoy the splendid scene of a rainbow and sunset glow has recently gone viral on the internet. For some time, certain foreigners have been holding a stereotype of Chinese students, viewing them as nerds who know nothing but studying. This video shatters this stereotype. Granted, due to fierce competition for reputable universities, many Chinese schoolchildren have been fully immersed in high pressure academic environments. They have limited time to enjoy the beauty of nature. Yet the situation is gradually changing. Some parents and teachers are now well aware that sparing no efforts to improve their academic performance is of significance for schoolchildren, so is enjoying the beauty of life. After all, the purpose of hard work is to enjoy a better life. The ultimate lesson: never miss the beauty of life as you rush through it, especially when you go chasing dreams somewhere over the rainbow.



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